The egyptian scholastic test (EST) is a test for Egyptian students in the American education system in Egypt. It is a test equivalent to the SAT or ACT tests for admission to Egyptian higher education universities. The EST test includes EST I and EST II. EST I assesses students’ level of reading, writing, and mathematics. The required skills enable American diploma students to apply to Egyptian universities. The subjects are listed below with the past tests pdf for 2021, 2021
est exam egypt
مصادر لمذاكرة est
- بالنسبة للفيزياء كورس حل إختبارات فيزياء EST2 بشرح مفصل على يوديمي (الرابط)
- بالنسبة Math EST أو SAT هو كتاب Dr.John Chung
- Panda’s SAT Math Advanced Guide